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Dialogues on the
Future of Work in the
Global South

FOWIGS launches the Dialogues on the Future of Work in the Global South, a series of events that will gather experts from the Global South regions Asia, Middle East &..

29 June - 29 August

Co-Hosted By

the Dialogues

Over the past decade, the Global South has produced much research and data on the future of work. However, this knowledge is still fragmented and not easily accessible to policy makers and public opinion.

The Dialogues aim to take stock of the vast existing knowledge about the future of work from developing countries perspectives to add diversity and context to the standard global narrative of the future of work that can feed the right policy frameworks for governments in the Global South.

A total number of 24 dialogues will bring together more than 75 Global South experts from the academia, and civil society to join the discussions and contribute with welcome heterogeneous perspectives about the future of work.

To pursue that, CIPPEC, coordinator of FoWiGS, in partnership with African Economic Research Consortium (Sub-Saharan Africa), Economic Research Forum (Middle East and North Africa), Red Sur (Latin America) and JustJobs Network (Asia) will hold a workshop each consisting of 6 roundtables focused on Technology, Skills for the XXI century, Labor market institutions, Demographic trends, the implications of Inequality, and an additional topic relevant to the region.

About the Roundtables
We invite researchers to share their knowledge and experience, with a special focus on detecting global narrative elements that need to be reconsidered when turning to the Global South. The events are organized around five building blocks of a narrative about the future of work.

Skills, which can be achieved through curriculum reform in the Global North, but require structural changes in skills development systems in the Global South.

Demographics, given that countries are going through different stages of demographic transition and the global North is “older” than the Global South.

Technological change, which is already taking place in the global North, but should not be taken for granted in the Global South.

Labor market institutions, that require the whole institutional frameworks to be updated to capitalize the benefits and mitigate the risks that are specific to developing countries.

Inequality, which is increasing in the Global North due to technological change and globalization, but is structural – embedded in institutions and policies – in the Global South.

Watch all the events at YouTube/FOWIGS

Events In
This Series

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Book release “Cracking the future of work. Automation and labor platforms in the Global South”

Friday 26 December
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What Works Global Summit 2021: Evidence for Development

Wednesday 22 October
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Concordia Annual Summit: The future of work in Latin America. Towards a context-based narrative

Tuesday 23 September

Work is changing rapidly. Learning to navigate the changes will benefit us all.

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